Food Security

Registration of Beneficiaries in Dimnat Khadir District

Internal conflict and siege in Taizz, particularly in Khadir district, have left thousands of poverty-stricken people lack the basic necessities for life. Food insecurity is severe in the remote areas, and is particularly affecting IDPs, marginalized groups as well as daily-waged labors who face difficulties in accessing basic services. For example, in some villages of Khadir, poverty is rampant with many families living on one meal a day and sometimes can’t even obtain a meal. Some of them would rather die with dignity than beg in order to survive.

Dimnat Khadir district is one among other suffering districts of Taizz governorate where the majority of its inhabitants are extremely food insecure. Consequently, Relief and Development Peer Foundation (RDP) in partnership with Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF) have been implementing the “Emergency Nutrition and Food Security Project” funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) since October 1st, 2018.The overall objective of the project is to scale up the access to food assistance in Dimnat Khadir district in Taizz governorate through the provision of cash transfer assistance.

Beneficiaries’ registration is one of the most significant activities of the emergency food assistance project for the most vulnerable households. Based on the vulnerability selection criteria, our FSL team members have completed beneficiaries’ registration process in two sub-districts (Khadir Alsalmi, Khadir Albado) of Dimnat Khadir district of Taizz Governorate, reaching a total number of 1,837 HHs.