Nutrition, Success Story

Serving As A Beacon Of Hope

Silwa, a seventeen-month-old child, lives with her parents and seven siblings under the poverty line in a small village in Mustaba district of Hajjah governorate. The cute girl started suffering from acute malnutrition when she was nine months old. Her life began with great hardships as she was born into a family struggling to make ends meet. Silwa’s growth and well-being were severely compromised due to the limited access to nutritious food.

As a result of acute malnutrition, Silwa’s tiny body became frail and weak. Her once bright eyes were clouded with sadness, and her infectious laughter was replaced by a weak whimper. Silwa’s mother ran out of patience when her child’s health deteriorated. Jan 2023, she brought her little daughter to one of RDP-supported treatment center (Tariq Ben Ziyad) located in this very same village, seeking help for her ailing child. A dedicated team was in place to provide support for those in need, including Silwa’s mother. Our CNVs immediately assessed Silwa’s condition with great compassion, taking her MUAC measurements that showed 11 cm. The child was then referred to the nearest health unit (Al-Sufah HU) supported by the DHO.

Silwa’s SAM treatment began immediately on Feb 26th, 2023. She received nutrient-rich therapeutic food and was closely monitored by our CNVs. Through regular check-ups and counseling sessions, the mother learned about the importance of a balanced diet, hygiene practices, and breastfeeding. April 27th, 2023, the child was discharged from SAM to be enrolled into MAM for proper care and treatment. Silwa’s mother became determined to do everything possible to help her daughter recover.

Months passed, and Silwa’s progress was nothing short of remarkable. Her tiny frame started to fill out, and her energy levels increased day by day. On Aug 17th, 2023, Silwa fully recovered from acute malnutrition with outstanding changes in her body to be then admitted to the BSFP program, supported by RDP, to prevent further deterioration of acute malnutrition.