Food Security, Success Story

Food Distribution can be a lifeline

An elderly woman who used to depend on her husband’s pension to feed her five daughters had been working for long hours in the fields, planning and harvesting crops so that she could make ends meet after the cut of salaries, yet the income she earned was not sufficient to afford the basic necessities of life.

“When I first received the food basket, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was not just food for us, it was hope. It gave us the strength to keep going, knowing that there are people who are willing to help us in our time of need,” the elderly woman “Taqwa” stated.

Taqwa, a woman in her sixties, lives with her five daughters below the poverty line in Wald Rabi’ district of Al- Bayda governorate. She had always struggled to provide the basic needs for her children. She worked long hours in the fields, but the income she earned was never enough to feed her family. Despite her best efforts, her daughters often went hungry, and Taqwa felt helpless to change their situation.

Therefore, delivering food baskets can be a lifeline for millions of most affected populations who are struggling to survive and thrive, and it is also one of the reasons why many people still display courage and resilience after nine years of conflict.

Since 2019, RDP in partnership with WFP has been distributing food baskets to 85,477 most affected and neediest people through the general food assistance project over 87 food distribution points (FDPs) to enable families put food on the table in Al Malagim, Wald Rabi’ and As Sawadiya districts. In 2023, the distribution is extended to Taffah, and Ash Sharyah districts of Al-Bayda governorate.