Health and Nutrition Programs

100% of your donation funds will go for the provision of health and nutrition services

Health Program Strategic Goals

  • Improve access to healthcare for vulnerable populations.
  • Enhance healthcare infrastructure and facilities.
  • Strengthen primary healthcare services and promote preventive care.
  • Combat prevalent communicable diseases.
  • Improve maternal and child health outcomes.
  • Address mental health and provide psychosocial support.
  • Promote health education and awareness.
  • Strengthen health system governance and coordination.

Nutrition Program Strategic Goals

  • Reduce the prevalence of acute malnutrition through systematic identification, referral and treatment of acutely malnourished boys, girls under five and PLWs.
  • Reduce the incidence of acute malnutrition through efficient preventive micro-nutrient & BSFP interventions.
  • Strengthen humanitarian life-saving preventive nutrition services for vulnerable population groups focusing on health education, appropriate IYCF practices and optimal maternal nutrition.

Target Achieved

Through our dedicated health and nutrition team efforts, we have successfully expanded access to healthcare and nutrition services for most vulnerable populations in Yemen. 


Project implemented


Total Beneficiaries





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We are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable communities. Together, we have the power to create positive change and uplift those in need. Join us on this transformative journey and help us bring hope, support, and opportunities to those who need it the most.

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