Climate Change & Environment, Success Story, WASH

Water is a lifeline, a symbol of hope and resilience!

Turning Tears of Longing into Tears of Joy!

For the affected people, water is the essence of survival. It is the elixir that sustains their bodies, quenches their thirst, and rejuvenates their depleted spirits. Access to clean water is a fundamental necessity for their basic physiological needs, ensuring their physical well-being and enabling them to thrive.

Aslam district, Hajjah governorate, more than 33 villages and camps in the targeted area had suffered from obtaining water due to the deterioration of the previous project that has been out of service for more than 15 years and because of the influx of internal displacement. The main water source in the area has been dried out and its pipes were dismantled.

Some other water sources are either contaminated or far away from the affected population, and thus people spend over 2 hours fetching water from other sources, most of which are contaminated.

In addition, there are over 370 families, both displaced and returnees living in a complicated situation where they have inadequate clean water and shelters.

“In our community, women were burdened with the responsibility of collecting water. It was a tiring and time-consuming task that took away precious hours from our day. The water we fetched was often contaminated, making us and our families sick,” said by Mariam shuai’, an elderly woman who displaced with her family from Haradh district to Zari Al-Batta IDPs camp in Aslam Al-Wasat sub-district, Aslam district of Hajjah governorate.

“We used to drink water from a well in Wadi Al-Harika, and it was salty and unhealthy as animal waste fell into it. When we drop a bucket into the borehole, we can see the water is no longer clean as it’s exposed to microbes, bacteria, and animal waste. Also, when fetching water from Al-Harika well, our children are used to riding donkeys to cross 3 km away, requiring more than 80 minutes to fetch water,” Ahmed Al-Islami stated, a beneficiary aged 49.

September 2022, RDP, in partnership with YHF, started implementing the life-saving and sustained WASH services project for IDPs collective sites and affected host communities to increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation services as well as to contribute to improving hygiene practices for 5,868 individuals disaggregated as (1,150 men -1,197 women -1,725 boys -1,797 girls) in Aslam Al Wasat sub-district, Aslam district of Hajjah governorate.

October 2023, RDP, in partnership with YHF, completed the rehabilitation works of Al-Thaluth water scheme to serve a total of 5,868 individuals with clean and potable water within the project of lifesaving and sustained WASH services in 33 villages and IDPs sites in Aslam Al-Wasat sub-district, Aslam district of Hajjah gov.

The rehabilitation works included pumping and distribution pipelines with a total length of 15.1 kms, rehabilitation of the tower concrete tank of 60 m3, construction of 20 emergency HHs latrines for families with SAM cases & two water concrete tanks of 16 m3, installation of 35 water distribution boxes, supply of solar energy with a total capacity of 34.22 kw, construction of the pumping room, and rehabilitation of 3 communal water tanks.

“We are very happy with the project you served us with. Our children get exhausted from fetching an excessive amount of water daily, not to mention dropping their school for the sake of bringing water. This is the kind of project that we have been dreaming of for years. There is no need to fetch water from unprotected wells in far areas. Indeed, we thank everyone who cooperated with us in delivering this service to home and it became within reach,” Yaqoub Nasser Qazli added.

Thanks for the generous contribution and continuous support of YHF which helped thousands of affected people get adequate access to safe drinking water and no longer have to cut across long mountainous roads to get jerry cans filled with unsafe water.