Economic Empowerment, Food Security, WASH

Overcoming Adversity!

The situation of IDPs and their living conditions remain a significant humanitarian concern, and efforts are needed to ensure their rights and needs are addressed and that they are able to access the necessary support and services.

In Al-Marawi’ah, Al-Hudaydah gov, displaced families face major challenges in meeting their basic needs such as access to food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare. Majed Hassan, a father of four children, works as a porter where he carries heavy goods at markets to gain a little money, yet what he earns is not sufficient to afford three meals a day.

2017 was the year Majed & his family forcibly displaced to Al-Salam camp in Al-Marawi’ah due to the deadly clashes that destroyed most if not all houses in Kilo 16, including Majed’s. For 7 years, this father has shouldered the burden of a wife and children, doing any paid work like helping in construction works, painting, cleaning, and carrying goods to cover the family’s basic needs.

“Our children are exposed at any Time to health risks due to open defecation. We all live in overcrowded and insecure conditions. Every day, we keep fighting here and there to put food on the table for our children. We have always hoped that if there would be an opportunity to be targeted by humanitarian agencies and provided with relief assistance,” Majed expressed.

Since Jan 2023, Majed has been listed in the integrated emergency response project for food security, livelihoods and WASH, benefiting from the monthly food rations, vocational trainings, and latrines construction, as he is a skilled labor. The father also added, “What makes me happier is that my wife and children’s health is getting improved as well as my contribution in the activity of constructing latrines for families who are in need of them.” Majed’s family is finally able to improve their living conditions thanks to the assistance provided by RDP, in collaboration with Sign of Hope, fulfilling basic needs of food and necessary requirements for living with dignity.