Food Security

Helping IDPs Put Food on the Table to Sustain Their Lives

Due to severe food insecurity, the majority of displaced children suffer if not die from acute malnutrition in Al-Hudaydah governorate. And thus, RDP, in partnership with Hoffnungszeichen, continues to provide relief food assistance within the emergency food security and livelihood project to hundreds of internally displaced persons whose lives have been adversely affected by the ongoing conflict. During July, RDP launched the second distribution round of food vouchers to a total number of 734 individuals (90 HHs) of crisis-affected IDPs, settling in two collective sites in Bajil district. Each household received 50 Kgs of wheat flour, 20 Kgs of rice, 10 Kgs of red beans, 8 liters of vegetable oil, 2.5 Kgs of sugar, and 0.5 Kg of salt. This emergency and life-saving project aims to help IDPs put food on the table to sustain their lives.