Food Security

RDP Is Providing Lifesaving Emergency Food Assistance for Severely Insecure Population

More than 3 years of war have left 21 million people to be in acute need for humanitarian assistance, including 7 million already on the brink of famine. Every day that passes brings Yemeni people closer to the brink of a historic catastrophe.

RDP is committed to alleviate the suffering of people who are food insecure by providing adequate access to food baskets for all most in need people. Therefore, RDP has been implementing the project of Food Security Response for most Affected & Vulnerable Households in Fara Al-Udain district, Ibb governorate, which was funded by Yemen Humanitarian Pool Fund (YHPF) from the period of July 1st to December 31st, 2017.

Fara Al-Udain was targeted as being one of the highest priority districts that needs emergency intervention to mitigate the suffering of needy people. Thus, RDP targeted the three most affected sub districts” Bani Ahmed – Al-Ahmol – Al-Aqiba,” in Fara Al-Udain district, Ibb governorate.


From October 31st, 2017 to November 5th, 2017, the first distribution round of food voucher was successfully delivered in two different distribution points “Al-Mazahen & Al-Sundaqh markets”, which are easy to be reached by people of the three sub districts.


Food Security Response for most Affected & Vulnerable Households was designed to reach a number of 670 beneficiaries with either malnourished children “Severe Acute Malnutrition. Moderate Acute Malnutrition” (SAM / MAM) or pregnant & lactating women (PLW) admitting to CMAM program as being the most food insecure and vulnerable groups in community.

Consequently, families with malnourished children and PLW would be provided with food baskets for three distribution rounds. The minimum food basket was endorsed by FSAC containing the following food items:

  • 75 Kg of wheat, whole grain
  • 10 Kg of beans, all types
  • 8 Liters of vegetable oil
  • 5 Kg of sugar
  • 1 Kg of salt, iodized