Health, Nutrition

Rural Areas Are By No Means Beyond the Reach

How does it feel to live in an area where health facilities are rarely found or out of reach?  What happens when countless number of parents don’t really know how to take care of their babies just because they are uneducated?

Making a world of difference requires committed community health volunteers whose role is to perform healthcare services as well as awareness sessions to those who are illiterate in some rural reaches.

Fara Al-Udain is an area where you can find underprivileged disadvantaged people lacking the basic resources such as ” standard housing, medical and educational facilities,” which believed to be necessary for all and sundry. People of all ages with both genders are in acute need for primary healthcare services especially children less than 59 months of age and pregnant lactating women.

Within the integrated health and nutrition project in Fara Al-Udain district, Ibb governorate which was funded by the Humanitarian Pool Fund of the United Nations Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, targeting the most affected and vulnerable people in three sub districts ” Bani ‘Ahmed, which includes Musinieuh health center, Al-Eaqibuh including Dhana’a health center, and Al-Ahmul including Hudhyfuh health center,”

From November 4th to Nov 9th, 2017, RDP had implemented “The Comprehensive Training for Community Health Volunteers,” in partnership with YDN for NGOs and coordination with Government and District Health Offices.

All in all, RDP had made its best effort to educate 13 community health volunteers who were chosen from different catchment areas and served them with all equipment so that they can start providing health services to the door steps of their own community members and improve the nutritional status of all malnourished children along with PLW.