Food Security

Reaching Those Who Need It Most

“October 10th, 2018 was the day when we forcibly displaced from Al-Hudaydah to Al-Bayda governorate due to the escalated war,” Saida, a displaced mother stated. Saida spent most of her life in Al-Hudaydah governorate. She has two sons with special needs and a widowed daughter. Her husband kept fighting his illness for a while, but eventually died from a stroke. Although, life became much harder for this elderly woman after her husband’s death, she kept struggling through the hardships of life to put food on the table. Saida then had to raise a group of sheep which was her only source of income to feed her physically disabled children and satisfy their daily needs.

Unfortunately, in Oct, 2018, war has intensified in Al-Hudaydah governorate and caused a massive displacement for thousands of most affected families, including Saida’s. “It was really a difficult decision my children and I had made to flee the house in order to save our lives from the deadly war even if we starve to death elsewhere. Today, I would say that war didn’t kill us, but it destroyed us!” Saida said. This vulnerable family left behind their own house and source of income, fleeing from the war to Rada’a district of Al-Bayda governorate. Saida and her children have been living in an abandoned room in this district since late 2018. The family wholly relies on the assistance and charity provided by neighbors.

Therefore, RDP, in partnership with Hoffnungszeichen, works together to reduce the colossal food security crisis among areas where most affected IDPs and marginalized are settled. Saida’s family and 90 others were benefitted from unconditional cash transfer assistance which contributed greatly to increasing access to daily sustenance for two rounds, and also from the In-Kind food assistance which aimed to provide vulnerable households with sufficient access to food baskets for two consecutive rounds starting from November, 2020. The project targeted 120 HHs of 776 individuals disaggregated as (144 men, 142 women, 241 boys, 249 girls) of IDPs and most vulnerable marginalized in Rada’a district of Al-Bayda governorate. Thanks for the great generosity of Hoffnungszeichen in financing such a life-saving project which changed people’s lives and alleviated their suffering in this top priority district.