Food Security

Meeting The Soring Needs!

Back in 2017, Madran, As Sawadiya district, Al-Bayda governorate, witnessed an intensified armed conflict that caused massive destruction to the area. At that time, most families had been adversely affected by the deadly clashes and internal tribal conflict which left them with no option other that fleeing for survival.

A father of six children was one of those families who suffered from the scourge of conflict as his house is located in the front lines, forcing him to leave everything behind to avoid violent confrontation. In April 2017, Mohammed Hussein fled Madran village with his wife and six children (4 boys, 2 girls) to end up settling in a neighboring village (Afa’r) where he found safety and security for his children.

“With the help of my friends in Afa’r and some help from the villagers, I was able to rent a simple house to live in. However, when displacing to another area, it’s difficult to make ends meet and provide children with their necessities of life such as food, water, and education. Since I came here, I started to help others (carrying and transporting goods) for minimum daily wages to meet the soring needs of my family. However, the toughest reality of displacement is that I couldn’t help my children pursue their dreams and continue studying,” Mohammed Hussein stated.

Since 2019, RDP has been collaborating with World Food Programme (WFP) to deliver a total amount of 658.358 (MTs) of food baskets to 53,405 most affected and neediest people through the general food assistance over 50 food distribution points (FDPs) to enable families put food on the table in Al Malagim, Wald Rabi, and As Sawadiya districts of Al-Bayda governorate. Mohammed Hussein is one of the 7,630 benefited households from the GFD program, enabling him to allocate some money to put his children in school back again.