Climate Change & Environment, WASH

A Latrine Has No Alternative!


“When one of my little children was suffering from severe acute malnutrition, I thought like the majority of society that lack of food was the main reason behind this. I never realized the serious consequences of open defecation which causes a loss of appetite among children to end up being severely malnourished.” Ahmed Helali – one of the beneficiaries stated.

Over half of all people in Khayran Al-Muharraq defecate in the open, almost 40% of households do not have a toilet or latrine. Hundreds of U5 children have severe acute malnutrition due to the practice of open defecation, and a huge number of people have contracted cholera as a result of environmental pollutants.

In response to this human tragedy, RDP, by full support from the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), has successfully constructed 100 HHs latrines for those vulnerable families with SAM cases in 27 areas, distributed 118 consumable hygiene kits in Khayran Al Muharraq district of Hajjah Governorate.

RDP community volunteers have also conducted 80 awareness sessions for 2,643 individuals (895 men, 311 women, 886 boys and 551 girls) on key hygiene, WASH related diseases, water treatment methods and health messages.

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