
Training CBPNs on How to Sensitize the Community in the Importance of Protection Activities

RDP conducted a training workshop for 12 individuals of Community-based Protection Networks (CBPNs), aiming to build their capacity on the protection criteria, train them on how to sensitize the community in the importance of protection activities, and provide them with guidelines on how to carry out Psycho Social Support sessions (PSS) in Ash Shamayatayn district of Taizz Governorate.

The workshop was amazingly informative and inspirational; and it alternated between many different techniques and methods including group discussions, presentations, and practical activities. All participants were interacting with the training effectively, engaging in pairs and groups, and rehearsing the usage of all given materials.

Participants were given a quiz at the beginning of the workshop, aimed to evaluate their knowledge on protection and they were requested to answer all given questions based on their background on protection activities and this quiz was very useful that helped participants to refresh their information.

The trainer then enlightened the participants about all protection criteria, children, women, and men’s rights. She also presented the importance of maintaining professionalism when dealing with victims especially about their secrets as they might have some serious problems which should never be communicated.

Later, participants were trained on how to sensitize the community members in the importance of cooperating with the protection team members to ensure the effectiveness of the protection projects. They were also trained on how to participate in the group-based psychological social support sessions (PSS) perfectly and then they were divided into small groups to conduct group-based discussions as a practice.

More importantly, participants were informed about the principle of confidentiality as all involved staff and community members are required to protect information disclosed in relation to any individual; participants were strongly warned not to reveal any identifying information to any person not directly involved in the provision of services.