
Serving Thousands of Children and PLW with TSFP Services Through 52 HFs



Within the supplementary feeding program, supported by WFP, RDP continues to deliver quality lifesaving assistance through 52 health facilities and 8 mobile clinics, serving thousands of children and PLW with TSFP services over four districts (Far Al-Udayn, Hazm Al-Udayn, Mudhiakhera, and Al-Udayn). Under-five children and PLW who are suffering from moderate acute malnutrition are the targeted groups. A total number of 6,528 children under 5 were admitted and in follow-up to TSFP and a total of 12.23 Metric Tons have been distributed to children under 5 with MAM. In addition, 4,057 PLW were admitted and in follow up to TSFP and received a total of 29.88 Metric tons.