Nutrition, Success Story

Saving a life after a battle against malnutrition

In a heavily hard hit area, there is this loving mother whose heart races with fear and her mind is consumed by constant worry that her only child might be slipping away from her. She feels helpless, every thought she has is filled with the dread that her precious little one may not be getting the nourishment needed to stay healthy, grow and thrive.

Amina, a mother in her late twenties, lives below the poverty line with her husband and only daughter “Fatima” in a rugged mountainous area in As Silw district, Taizz governorate. Amina’s love for her 10-month old daughter is intense, and the thought of her daughter suffering through hunger is too much to bear. On Oct 2022, the mother went to vaccinate her daughter in Al-Aqsa health facility, supported by RDP, the health worker “Qazi” saw how Fatima’s body was skin and bone with a MUAC screening of 10.4, he directly referred her to the nearest outpatient therapeutic center for SAM treatment.

“As a parent, it is heartbreaking to watch your child suffer from malnutrition. But thanks to the incredible staff at the HC, my child received the best treatment and care possible,” Amina stated.

On Feb 2023, Fatima’s condition has been improved and was discharged from the OTP, enrolling her to the TSFP program in Al-Aqsa health facility, supported by RDP and in partnership with WFP, to receive the supplements needed (Plumpy Sup) for better health condition.

On May 6th, 2023, Fatima has been fully recovered from acute malnutrition with outstanding changes in her body to be then admitted to the BSFP program, supported by RDP, to prevent further deterioration of acute malnutrition. The loving mother finally felt an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness to see her only daughter becoming healthy.

She added, “I cannot express my gratitude enough for the treatment my child received for malnutrition. Thanks to the doctors, health workers, volunteers and whoever worked tirelessly to save my child’s life.