Responding to the WASH urgent needs in IDPs sites

Since January, RDP, in partnership with YHF, has been implementing the WaSH Emergency Response Project in IDPs collective sites to provide easy access to safe water and sanitation services for 17,479 individuals in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate and DhiAsSufal district of Ibb governorate. The project includes rehabilitation of 1 water scheme & 4 surface wells, construction of 32 water points & 75 HHs latrines, provision of consumable hygiene kits to 1,167 HHs, and desludging of 61 overflown latrines.

Throughout May, RDP completed conducting the feasibility study for 3 water sources (Luj Al-Kudafa water scheme, Al-Hanani well, and Al-Shuqair well) in Bani Nashr sub-district, Kua’ydina district of Hajjah Gov. These three wells will serve a total of 14,915 individuals (2930 Men, 3050 Women, 4396 Boys, 4579 Girls) with safe and clean drinking water within the WaSH emergency response project in IDPs collective sites in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate and Dhi As Sufal district of Ibb governorate.