
Hygiene Kits Are Helping to Fight a Cholera Outbreak

Two years of war have plunged Yemen into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises and put the country at risk of severe famine. If not contained, it will threaten the lives of thousands of people and put them even at greater risk where death is inevitable to happen.

The UNICEF WASH team has conducted a filed visit to assess the emergency of WASH needs in Hasin Attan Village – Al-Sabien District – Amant Al-Asemah, where hundreds of poor people were nearly threatened by the outbreak of cholera. It has as well provided Relief & Development Peer Foundation (RDP) and Access Foundation (ACCESS) with 75 hygiene kits and 3 water tanks based on the assessment of key findings

On May 14th, 2017, RDP & ACCESS foundations successfully distributed 75 hygiene kits and installed 3 water tanks for 75 returnees’ households (HHs) and the affected community in Hasin Attan village. A total of 492 beneficiaries; disaggregated (103 men, 104 women, 129 girls, 156 boys) have been benefited considerably from the hygiene kits as well as the water tanks.

Before the distribution, RDP & ACCESS‘s field coordinators have followed up and taken the official permission letter from the Executive Unit to implement the distribution activity. Therefore, one day before the distribution activity, 75 hygiene kits and 3 water tanks were given by the UNICEF. Besides, Logos of UNICEF & the direct partners were painted on the tanks given.

The UNICF WASH Team has visited the work site during the distribution. Moreover, on the next day, RDP & ACCESS’s team has carried out a field visit to the tanks site and conducted a job training session for three people who were selected as community committee.

The distribution of hygiene kits at this critical time would minimize the risk of the outbreak of cholera among hundreds of people in Hasin Attan.