
A Dilapidated HC Is Now Being Rehabilitated

Were there an ounce of peace, there would be no such a thing called IDPs! Being safe is what truly matters to them, yet it’s not an option in a country turning into a war zone. Clearly, as the war escalated in Yemen, IDPs had fled from different governorates seeking safety and peace in somewhere else.

As Sabrah district is one of the afflicted districts in Ibb governorate that is hosting approximately 1932 IDPs who are suffering from fatal diseases which can lead to an absolute death. Unfortunately, Najid Aljumaeii, the largest health center of As Sabrah district, requires immediate rehabilitation as well as sufficient medical supplies to be working again. This health center provides primary health care services for almost 11,000 people from so many different sub-districts of As Sabrah district.

Since December 16th, 2017, RDP has been implementing the project of “Rehabilitation of Najid Aljumaeii health center to provide primary health care services” in As Sabrah district of Ibb governorate which is funded by GIZ. This project is targeting a number of 5,432 individuals disaggregated (1032 men, 1086 women, 3314 children). Its major objective is to improve and increase access to health and WASH services in Najid Aljumaeii health center for IDPs and affected host communities.

The ongoing activities regarding the rehabilitation of Najid Aljumaeii health center are described below.

  • Roof surface maintenance including all required materials to repair cracks.
  • Rehabilitation of old bathrooms (supply and installation of toilets with Siphon, windows with ventilation fans, demolition of internal walls for the old bathrooms, construction of walls of bathroom partitions, reconstruction of sewage system, plastering, tiling works).
  • Building new internal walls and plastering work for the rooms’ ceilings in the old building including maintenance work.

Obviously, the aforementioned project included “Cash for work” modality which involved some beneficiaries to participate in the needs assessment as well as rehabilitation of Najid Aljumaeii health center.