It Is Never Too Late to Help Most in Need Citizens
Despite strong global food supply, protracted conflicts have intensified and perpetuated food insecurity in Yemen. Ongoing conflicts and deadly armed clashes continue to be a key driver of severe food insecurity in the war-torn country.
As reported, conflicts in Yemen have impeded productive activities, hindered access to food, intensified the number of internally displaced people, and significantly triggered near-famine conditions to almost 60% of the population.
From the period of September 1st to December 31st, 2017, RDP has been implementing the ongoing project of Food Aid for Families with Young Children aiming to provide vulnerable households with sufficient access to food baskets in Al-Huriba sub district, As-Siliw district, Taizz governorate, which was funded by Sign of Hop e.V. The project is targeting families with children under five who are suffering from severely acute malnutrition (SAM) or moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), and pregnant & lactating women (PLW) admitted in the CMAM program.
The project of Food Aid for Families with Young Children has targeted 137 households ( HHS ) with total achieved beneficiaries of 959 individuals disaggregated ( 384 men, 399 women, 86 boys, 90 girls ), and they would be provided with food baskets for three distribution rounds.
During three days from December 2nd to Dec 4th, 2017, the second distribution round of vouchers was delivered in which 137 households would be able to get food baskets containing the following food items:
- 50 Kg of white flour
- 8 Kg of red beans
- 4 liters of vegetable oil
- 5 kg of sugar
- 1 Kg of salt
All in all, Sign of Hope e.V. along with RDP, well-known humanitarian organizations for their considerable charity work, have brought life back to those vulnerable citizens who live in mountainous and hard-to-reach areas.