Clean Water Is an Absolute Necessity

Bani Nashar is a hardest-hit area known for its grinding poverty and scarcity of clean water where nearly 952 vulnerable families of host community and 1,471 HHs of affected IDPs are settled in. The high population density comes as a result of the countless displaced families from neighboring districts such as Kushar, Harad and Maydi. It is situated in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate. People living there greatly suffer from all basic necessities of life. They have contracted cholera as a result of environmental pollutants and contaminated boreholes. There are 19 villages and four collective sites of IDPs (Al-Mikshab, Al-Midhbar, Al-Qarn, and Al-Mutaihira), all of which depend on open wells as a main source of water.


Lacking access to safe & clean drinking water is a major health issue which the majority of rural population suffers from throughout their day-to-day life. “People here suffered from a lack of clean water due to unprotected boreholes. The kids were at risk of falling into the wells as they used to go fetch water from hand dug wells. These wells became a grave danger for hundreds of lives due to their contaminated water. As a result, some children have had acute watery diarrhea, and others have contracted cholera,” Saeed, a community member, stated.

Measuring the humanitarian context and vulnerability levels, RDP has therefore implemented the WASH emergency response project in IDPs collective sites in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate and Dhi As Sufal district of Ibb governorate – supported by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) – to provide easy access to safe and clean drinking water and to ensure thousands of IDPs and most affected population no longer have to walk long distances to get unsafe water from unprotected wells throughout the rehabilitation of three water schemes to support 15,606 individuals within 19 villages in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate.


During April, RDP completed the rehabilitation of Al-Mawahib and Bani Al-Zabidi (Luj Al-Kudafa) water scheme which provides 6,670 individuals of host communities and IDPs with safe water by providing a solar-powered water system with a total capacity of 25.92 Kilowatt, pumping and distribution pipelines with a total length of 13.5 Kilometers, rehabilitation of concrete water tank with a total volume of 139 m3 and distribution boxes with a total number of 47. While Al-Hanani water scheme provides 8,936 individuals of IDPs with safe water by providing a solar-powered water system with a total capacity of 12.5 kilowatt, pumping and distribution pipelines with a total length of 6.9 kilometer, construction of water distribution points with a total number of 6, and rehabilitation of existing water distribution points with a total number of 17. In addition, RDP rehabilitated Jalba well through providing a solar powered water system with a total capacity of 4.5 kilowatt and rehabilitated one distribution point.

Thanks for the generous contribution and continuous support of YHF which helped thousands of people get adequate access to safe drinking water in Kua’ydinah district of Hajjah governorate.