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Support Sua’d and Families Like Hers in Yemen

Support Sua’d and Families Like Hers in Yemen, Your Donation Can Change Lives:

Sua’d, a displaced mother of four, fled her home in Yemen to escape the war. Now living in a straw hut, her family struggles to afford food, water, and healthcare. Her husband is paralyzed, and her eldest son, not yet 18, is the family’s sole breadwinner.

Sua’d’s story is not unique. Thousands of families in Yemen are facing similar hardships due to the ongoing conflict. They have lost their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. Many are living in displacement camps, struggling to survive on meager rations.

But there is hope.

With your donation, we can provide families like Sua’d’s with:

  • Emergency food and water
  • Essential household items
  • Healthcare services
  • Education for their children
  • Trauma counseling and psychosocial support

Together, we can give these families the chance to rebuild their lives and regain their dignity.

Please donate today.

Every dollar makes a difference.

$865 of $50,000 raised

Support Sua’d and Families Like Hers in Yemen, Your Donation Can Change Lives:

Sua’d, a displaced mother of four, fled her home in Yemen to escape the war. Now living in a straw hut, her family struggles to afford food, water, and healthcare. Her husband is paralyzed, and her eldest son, not yet 18, is the family’s sole breadwinner.

Sua’d’s story is not unique. Thousands of families in Yemen are facing similar hardships due to the ongoing conflict. They have lost their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. Many are living in displacement camps, struggling to survive on meager rations.

But there is hope.

With your donation, we can provide families like Sua’d’s with:

  • Emergency food and water
  • Essential household items
  • Healthcare services
  • Education for their children
  • Trauma counseling and psychosocial support

Together, we can give these families the chance to rebuild their lives and regain their dignity.

Please donate today.

Every dollar makes a difference.

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Donation Total: $100