Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

About WASH Program

Since its inception, RDP has served a total number of 3,346,967 individuals (1,229,022 men, 1,274,524 women, 410,611 boys, 432,810 girls).

WaSH Overview
Over two-thirds of Yemenis (17.8 million people) require support to meet their basic WASH needs, including 12.6 million who are in acute need. Inadequate access to WASH services is a major driver of communicable disease outbreaks and acute malnutrition.

Public water and sanitation systems require increased support to provide minimum services and avoid collapse. Only 22 percent of rural and 46 percent of urban populations are connected to partially functioning public water networks, and lack of electricity or public revenue creates significant reliance on humanitarian support.

Over half of districts (167) are in acute need of sanitation support, and in 197 districts, over 55 percent of the population has no access to an improved water source. With reduced safe water access, communities resort to unsafe water sources, and only 24 percent of households treat water at home, mostly due to cost.


  1. Restore or maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems to improve public health and resilience.
  2. Provide emergency and lifesaving WaSH assistance to the most vulnerable so as to reduce excess morbidity and mortality.
  3. Provide affected people from the community with tailored hygiene messages and hygiene items for improving hygienic practices and behaviors.
  4. Support institutions (such as health & Nutrition Facilities and Education facilities) with adequate water and sanitation facilities & services.


  • Provide operational support to water supply systems.
  • Provide spare parts and maintenance for water supply systems.
  • Repair, rehabilitate or augment water supply systems.
  • Provide water disinfecting agents for water supply treatment.
  • Water quality surveillance.
  • Provide operational support to sanitation systems.
  • Provide spare parts and maintenance for sanitation system.
  • Repair, rehabilitate or augment sanitation systems.
  • Provide support for solid waste collection and disposal.
  • Provide access to safe water through water trucking.
  • Provide communal water tanks / taps.
  • Provide water filters for household level water treatment.
  • Provide household level water treatment options.
  • Family latrine construction and support.
  • Family latrine rehabilitation / desludging.
  • Distribution / support for basic hygiene kits.
  • Distribution / Support for consumable hygiene kits.


  • Affected populations.
  • IDPs.
  • Vulnerable groups.